
Can Marijuana Create a Path to Justice?

Legalizing cannabis, repairing the economy. Our guests say, reparations and restorative justice for workers in the budding cannabis industry need to be a part of the conversation. 

The Edge of Democracy: The Rise of Authoritarianism in Brazil

In her new film, The Edge of Democracy, director Petra Costa tells the story of how Brazil went from a rising star among free nations to a democracy on the verge of collapse. With...

Design for Justice: Disabled Hackers are Leading the Way

How do we define "love is love," and what are we willing to do to defend one another? This week, we speak with a group of LGBTQIA leaders on just that.

Raising Vibrations Against Gender-Based Violence

Prefer to Listen?In this episode, Laura interviews world-renowned playwright Eve Ensler and singer/songwriter Taína Asili about One Billion Rising 2020, a global movement to stop gender-based violence against women and girls by organizing public...

Democracy: Past, Present… and Future?

How do we define "love is love," and what are we willing to do to defend one another? This week, we speak with a group of LGBTQIA leaders on just that.

Raul Midón: Creative Adaptation and Covid-19

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below.A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to...

New Justice: A World Beyond Prisons

Prisons, police and punishment through incarceration. Are they with us forever in the land of the free? Sustained campaigns for change are beginning to pay off. At the community level, it turns out that...

Gender Ideology: A Pretext for Murder in Brazil

Just days before the anniversary of activist Marielle Franco's assassination in Brazil, prosecutors there charged two former police officers with her murder. Those arrests may provide a partial answer to the question of who killed her. Many other questions, including who ordered her killing and why, remain unanswered.

Naomi Klein on the Case for a Green New Deal

About the ShowThe climate crisis is accelerating faster than expected. In this episode of the Laura Flanders Show, author and activist Naomi Klein discusses her new book, On Fire, in which she argues that...

Are Women Better At Waging Peace?

Making the future while surviving a war. In humanity’s never ending war stories, combat makes the news, but the macho gaze misses the complex reality and tends to ignore the role of women in...

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