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How does a religion that claims to be rooted in love and peace fire people up to commit violence, as at the Capitol on January 6, 2021? In a brand-new documentary, “God & Country”, producer Rob Reiner and director Dan Partland explore Christian Nationalism — a toxic brew of patriarchal White Nationalism and messianic faith. Based on the book “The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism” by Katherine Stewart, “God & Country” exposes how Christian Nationalism poses a real and immediate threat, not only to the very idea of secular democracy but also to Christianity itself. Reiner is an Emmy-winning actor and acclaimed director, best known for his work on “All In The Family”, “When Harry Met Sally” and “The Princess Bride”. He is also a political activist dedicating his time to numerous social justice causes. Partland, a veteran documentary producer and director for film and television, is a five-time Emmy nominee with two Emmys for Best Nonfiction Series including American High on Fox. Whether you’re a Christian or a concerned citizen, this episode is a must-watch. Plus, a closing commentary from Laura on becoming actively engaged in our democracy.

“If you believe the United States has a God-ordained role to play in human history as a Christian nation and democracy is taking us away from those principles, then you can justify doing anything to make sure that God’s will is done. That’s what I think you see happening on January 6th.” – Dan Partland

“Christian nationalism . . . as this political movement is not the majority. It is far from the majority. What is scary is that because of the way our system works, a very virulent minority can control our politics and that’s what they’ve done.” – Rob Reiner


  • Dan Partland: Director, God & Country
  • Rob Reiner: Producer, God & Country

Portions of this interview are featured in our episode, “Faith & Fascism: Rob Reiner & Dan Partland Tackle Christian Nationalism with ‘God & Country'”.

Related Laura Flanders Show Episodes:

• Lisa Graves: The Extremist Revolution & Democracy Hanging by a Thread, Watch / Listen-Download Podcast

• Congressman Jamie Raskin On January 6th: After a Failed Coup, a Successful One?, Watch / Listen-Download Podcast

• How Radical Self Love Can Heal the World, Watch / Listen-Download Podcast

Related Articles and Resources:

• ‘God & Country,’ the Movie, List of Theater by zipcode Information Here

• Stop the Coup 2025 – Stop Project 2025 – Get Involved / Learn More Here

All of Us, Organizing to Counter White Christian Nationalism and Build a Pro-Democracy Society, by Organizing All of Us,  PDF Download

Why a Group of Christians Is Fighting the Growing Threat of Christian Nationalism, by Vera Bergengruen, January 6, 2021, TIME Magazine, Read Here

• White Christian Nationalism: Attacking our Democracy, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Learn More Here

• BJC (Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, Learn More Here

Featured ‘Music in the Middle’ of the Podcast:

Micky More & Andy Tee Club Mix of “Promised Land (Homage)” a rework by Barbara Tucker and The BCrew of the Joe Smooth Classic courtesy of B Star Music Group.  Listen & Learn More

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