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Audio Exclusive – Unsung Heroes: Filipino Nurses on the Front Lines During COVID-19

Subscribe to our podcast for more audio exclusives.Here at The Laura Flanders Show we have a comprehensive John Jay Justice Fellowship program where participants...

Covid-19 and the Navajo Nation

The Covid-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected the Black and Brown populace across the United States but the rates of infection are at their highest...

Hunger and Racial Justice During Covid-19

Hunger and Racial Justice During Covid-19    A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to...

Raul Midón: Creative Adaptation and Covid-19

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below.A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting...

Environmental Racism as Usual: Covid-19

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below.A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting...

Frontline Workers and Labor Unions: Covid-19

A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to keep this content free for...

Covid-19 Demands A National Reckoning

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below.A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting...

No Medicine for Migrants: Covid-19

A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to keep this content free for...

Covid-19 by the Numbers – F Word

Covid-19 by the Numbers April 24, 2020   To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above.    Covid-19 by the Numbers  I...

Public Racism vs Public Health: Covid-19

The tensions revealed by the COVID-19 epidemic are planted deep in the US experience. On the Laura Flanders Show, race and gender scholar Mab...

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