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Digital Future

      The digital future belongs to us!

      Take on the Tech Mob Now or Perish

      To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above. A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to...

      The Future is Up For Grabs – F Word

      The Future is Up for Grabs: F Word   To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above.     A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this...

      Contact Tracing in the Stalker State

      To hear Laura’s full, uncut conversation with Hamid Khan, become a Patreon partner of the LF Show at http://patreon.com/theLFShow Google and Apple have partnered to create a Bluetooth-based app that collects location data to notify users...

      Platform Cooperativism: Keep Your Data Safe

      A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to keep this content free for everyone. To hear Laura’s full, uncut conversation with Ela Kagel, become...

      We Can Take Back The App!

      To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below. A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to...

      Designing a Future Where Everyone Counts

      To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above. About This Episode Jutta Treviranus pushes back against cultures, policies, and technologies designed only for those deemed "normal." As founder...

      The Need For Accessible Technology – Chancey Fleet

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cemtDfKX8icWhat's missing in the tech industry? We need developers to really know something about accessibility and to challenge the notion that some things are too visual, says Chancey Fleet in this excerpt from our...

      Tech: Existential Threat or Life Support?

      Tech totalitarianism - is that our future? In Covid times, Big Tech is accruing more and more of our money, time and attention. Along the way, the world’s most rapacious corporations are gobbling up...

      Affordable Internet, One Rooftop at a Time

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WlkH1Ql_lU In this excerpt, we learn how Eastern Tennesee and Detroit are reclaiming their right to accessible, affordable internet, one rooftop at a time.

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