Yellowstone at 150: Can Indigenous Stewardship Save Our Parks?

150 years after Congress established Yellowstone National Park, it remains the jewel of a system that comprises some 400 national parks. But for Indigenous Americans, the history is bitter. Thousands were forced to leave,...

Collective Real Estate: Land Without Landlords?

Decades of discrimination have left millions of African Americans shut out of the housing market and at risk of being targeted by predatory lenders and exploitative loans. But capital collectives pool resources and reduce...

Climate Change Journalism: Moving Frontline Communities from the Sideline to the Center

Could a city reduce violent crime by planting more trees? How will the culture of work adapt to the climate crisis? What will increased flooding in the Global South do to U.S. immigration patterns?...

LANDBACK: A Tipi Village Takes on Healing & Homelessness

On Indigenous Peoples Day, Laura reports from “He Sapa‘’, the sacred Black Hills of South Dakota where NDN Collective is reclaiming ancestral lands to address homelessness, addiction and violence against Native Americans. Catalyzed in...

Do Black Lives Matter to Big Banks?

A national uprising in the wake of the murder of George Floyd pressured corporations and big banks to acknowledge their own roles in systemic racism. Many made sweeping promises to support Black-owned businesses, but...

These Films Keep People Out of Prison

What if judges could know a person more completely before sentencing them to prison? An organization called Complete Picture uses the power of film and storytelling to give judges an in-depth, humanizing look at...

Kimberlé Crenshaw & Soledad O’Brien Call Out the Media on Critical Race Theory

The right wing has found its newest racist wedge issue: Critical Race Theory. This decades-old movement in legal scholarship has suddenly become a talking point for GOP activists, and a widely misused term in...
Mariame Kaba cover

Mariame Kaba: Full, Uncut Conversation

This is the full uncut conversation with Mariame Kaba from our episode Rooting Out Our Culture of Harm. In this inspiring Juneteenth conversation, abolitionist Mariame Kaba joins Laura and the Reverend Dr. Jacqui Lewis...

Mariame Kaba: Rooting Out Our Culture of Harm

In this inspiring Juneteenth conversation, abolitionist Mariame Kaba joins Laura and the Reverend Dr. Jacqui Lewis, to discuss how each of us—parents, children, elders—can be part of building a society where harm is addressed,...
Andrea Jenkins Uncut Interview Cover

Uncut Interview: Andrea Jenkins

This is the full, uncut interview with Andrea Jenkins from the episode Minneapolis: Not Giving up on Police Abolition.Andrea Jenkins made history in 2017 as the first African American openly trans woman to be...

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