Covid-19 Demands A National Reckoning

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below. A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to...

Whose Care Goes Into The CARES Act?

This interview was filmed on April 20, 2020. Dara Baldwin, Director of National Policy for the Center for Disability Rights addresses on the big money power that’s still being felt even in the Covid-19 quieted...

Thank You, Bernie. Screw you, NYT

Thank You, Bernie. Screw You, New York Times. (F Word)         It is the essence of American liberalism to trash radical dreams and then dance on them. And that’s just what the New York Times did...

To hear Laura’s full, uncut conversation with Allilsa Fernandez, become a Patreon partner of the LF Show at It may sound obvious, but the homeless can't stay home. So how do homeless people avoid exposure...

Public Ownership of Privatized Medicine

Dana Brown, Director of the Next System Project frames the motives of privatized medicine in a system, which values profit over people. While nations are racing to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, how can...

We Need to Know Each Other: Covid-19

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below. About Jutta Treviranus, founder and director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, tells us that dealing with...

Forward Thinking on Covid-19: Lebanon

Forward Thinking on Covid-19: Lebanon         SUPPORT US and help us keep creating content like this. Become a member of our Patreon community   How does a revolution mobilize against the threat of Covid-19? In Lebanon, activists are...

Trump’s Wall and the End of the American Frontier

In this episode, Laura interviews author and Yale historian Greg Grandin about his new book The End of the Myth: From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America. They explore...

The Future is Public: Special Report from Amsterdam

From Austria to Chile, Lagos to London, people are demanding policies that democratize economies and keep public resources in public hands. In just the last decade, more than 2,400 cities in 58 countries have...

Puerto Rico: Freedom From Fantasy

Puerto Rico: Freedom From Fantasy About the Show What does freedom from fantasy mean? When most Americans know about Puerto Rico is based on a colonial fantasy, says journalist and Columbia University professor, Ed Morales. This...

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