Sunny Red Bear: Uncut Interview

The following is the full uncut conversation with Sunny Red Bear from our episode LANDBACK: A Tipi Village Takes on Healing & Homelessness. Sunny Red Bear is NDN Collective's Director of Racial Equity, and Lakota from...

LANDBACK: A Tipi Village Takes on Healing & Homelessness

On Indigenous Peoples Day, Laura reports from “He Sapa‘’, the sacred Black Hills of South Dakota where NDN Collective is reclaiming ancestral lands to address homelessness, addiction and violence against Native Americans. Catalyzed in...
Headshots of Adrienne Evans, Rinku Sen, Scot Nakagawa and Rachel O'Leary Carmona.

Democracy: A National Temperature Check

Disinformation, polarization, growing economic inequality, attempts to undermine elections and the rights of women and racial minorities—all of these are turning up the heat on American democracy. At the same time, pro-democracy movements are...
Big Pharma vs the people in Morgantown cover image

Big Pharma vs The People

I recently visited Morgantown, WV where 2,000 well-paying jobs are on the chopping block with dire implications for local people, public health, and even national security. The factory across the street from the University...
Viatris employee Carla Shultz provides care for her mother, who is sitting down.

Big Pharma vs The People: The Fight To Save America’s Largest Generic Drug Manufacturer

This July, America’s largest remaining generic drug manufacturing plant is set to close its doors forever in Morgantown, West Virginia. Its parent company, Viatris (formerly known as Mylan), plans to relocate operations to India...
Disability Revolution Cover

The Disability Revolution We All Need

A powerful scene in the Peabody Award-winning documentary Crip Camp shows a sit-down protest by over 100 mostly disabled Americans inside the old federal office building in San Francisco. The year was 1977, the...

Did a Summer Camp Help Spark a Disability Revolution?

Crip Camp is a Peabody Award-winning documentary from Netflix and Higher Ground Productions that tells the story of Camp Jened, a summer camp in the 1960s where disabled youth could be themselves. The film...
Mariame Kaba cover

Mariame Kaba: Full, Uncut Conversation

This is the full uncut conversation with Mariame Kaba from our episode Rooting Out Our Culture of Harm. In this inspiring Juneteenth conversation, abolitionist Mariame Kaba joins Laura and the Reverend Dr. Jacqui Lewis...
Winona LaDuke Uncut Interview Cover

Uncut Interview: Winona LaDuke

This is the full interview with Winona LaDuke from the episode The Future of Energy is Indigenous (and it won’t involve pipelines!)Winona LaDuke is the Director of Honor the Earth, a platform she co-founded with...
You can't deal with capitalism without dealing with patriarchy cover

You Can’t Deal with Capitalism Unless You Deal With Patriarchy

Achieving social justice is going to take much more than reforming our criminal justice system. Valuing all lives equally is going to require a profound reckoning with every system of “othering” that lies at...

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