Mass Incarceration: Envisioning A Moral Future, Featuring Michelle Alexander

How do we define "love is love," and what are we willing to do to defend one another? This week, we speak with a group of LGBTQIA leaders on just that.

Contact Tracing in the Stalker State

To hear Laura’s full, uncut conversation with Hamid Khan, become a Patreon partner of the LF Show at Google and Apple have partnered to create a Bluetooth-based app that collects location data to notify users...

Arm our Cities with Military-Grade Healthcare, not Weapons

Arm our Cities with Military-Grade Healthcare, not Weapons  American police are armed to the teeth with military-grade weapons, and the results are in. The more combat gear, the more combat.  So how about we arm our...

Kenyon Farrow: Lessons from the AIDS Epidemic for COVID-19 (Full Interview)

Senior editor for and BodyProHIV Kenyon Farrow sits down with Laura Flanders to discuss the racial and economic implications of COVID-19 as well as lessons from the AIDS epidemic. He examines the US...

Public Ownership of Privatized Medicine

Dana Brown, Director of the Next System Project frames the motives of privatized medicine in a system, which values profit over people. While nations are racing to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, how can...

Excerpt: How Central Bankers Rigged the World: Nomi Prins Nomi Prins' new book "Collusion," she reveals the collaboration between central bankers as they control global markets and dictate economic policy from Wall Street to Main Street.

Building Public Trust for Public Health

About Vaccines against Covid-19 were developed at record speed. But getting the public to take them may be an uphill battle. In this episode, Laura interviews three public health experts about the challenges of eradicating...

Standing Up To The Sacklers

Art organizations and sponsorship dollars have gone hand in hand for decades. But with backlash and protests over donors ethics, should cultural institutions begin looking into new funding streams? This week on the Laura...

Excerpt: Afro-centric Education and Black Power in Bed-Stuy"How do we put self-empowerment at the center of schools?" We visit Ember Charter Schools for Mindful Education, a culturally-responsive school in Brooklyn's Bedford Stuyvesant. With over 40 nations represented, Ember is an institution seeking to...

Mary Robinson: Women Leading on Climate Change

Our city's economy – what is it for? New York's has been very good at piling up profits and building tall buildings. But all that private profit has come at a cost to public services and public trust. Could it be different?

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