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Every episode of the Laura Flanders Show concludes with “The F-Word”, Flanders’ weekly commentary. “The F-Word” is distributed under a Creative Commons license (with attribution) and as a downloadable audio file. Listen to the F-Word on iTunes or SoundCloud.

Read the full F-Word text on Ring of Fire and Alternet. Subscribe to receive the full episode podcast on Libsyn or iTunes.

Thank You, Bernie. Screw you, NYT

Thank You, Bernie. Screw You, New York Times. (F Word)         It is the essence of American liberalism to trash radical dreams and then dance on them. And that’s just what the New York Times did...

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19 F Word           Laura explores the relation of bigotry and the health crisis and compares the modern history of healthcare in the US to the UK.       Transcript:   Our Health...

Kenyon Farrow on The Racial and Economic Implications of the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Kenyon Farrow on the Racial and Economic Implications of the Coronavirus Pandemic   Guest commentary by way of Kenyon Farrow, writer, journalist, strategist, senior editor of TheBody.com and TheBodyPro.com, breaks down the racial and economic disparities...

F Word – February/March: The Pandering Months

  February/March: The Pandering Months   Here we are again, ending Black History Month, starting Women’s History month. This time, the season coincides with the Democratic primaries. The Democratic Party has no more loyal group of voters...

Democracy Vs Dictatorship: Don’t Let Bloomberg Muddy That Choice – F Word

Democracy vs Dictatorship: Don't Let Bloomberg Muddy That Choice   The 2020 presidential race didn’t get decided this week, but the choice before us did: more democracy or less of it. That’s the decision we are...

Iowa Media Back To The Future – F Word

In the first week of February, every four years, coastal correspondents decamp to Iowa to cover the first-in-the nation nominating contest. Face-to-face, caucus by caucus, what the state lacks in demographics, it makes up...

F Word: Iowa is not the Twitterverse

Iowa is not the Twitterverse   It was a balmy 70 degrees in New York City last Saturday, and the excited green croci began tipping through the earth. Now, that same ground is icy, and those...

F Word: #SayHerName, Impeachment and the Hawk

I was thinking about impeachment when a bird fell out of the sky.    I was thinking about quid pro quos and the using of the presidency for personal gain when I rounded a corner and...

F Word: The Global Corruption Rebellion Americans Don’t Know They’re Part Of

  Abuse of power, corruption, violation of the social contract... If you’re an American Democrat, chances are Donald Trump’s disdain for all of those has been evident to you for quite a bit. The spectacle...

Climate Strike/Auto Strike: Same Struggle, Same Fight

  Twenty years after turtles and teamsters teamed up to battle the WTO in Seattle, labor strikes and climate strikes are coinciding everywhere but in the media, and that’s dangerous. If history is any guide,...

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