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We Need to Know Each Other: Covid-19

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below.AboutJutta Treviranus, founder and director of the Inclusive Design...

Forward Thinking on Covid-19: Lebanon

Forward Thinking on Covid-19: Lebanon     SUPPORT US and help us keep creating content like this. Become a member of our Patreon community How does a revolution...

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19 F Word      Laura explores the relation of bigotry and the health crisis and compares the modern...

Kenyon Farrow: Lessons from the AIDS Epidemic for COVID-19 (Full Interview)

Senior editor for theBody.com and BodyProHIV Kenyon Farrow sits down with Laura Flanders to discuss the racial and economic implications of COVID-19 as well...

Tools of mutual aid for COVID-19

Ejeris Dixon is the co-editor of Stories and Strategies from the Transformative Justice Movement.ResourcesPod Mapping worksheet and instructionsHalf Assed Disabled Prepper's Tips for Preparing for...

Kenyon Farrow on inequality and COVID-19

  Kenyon Farrow on Inequality and COVID-19   Kenyon Farrow is a writer and journalist and senior editor of thebody.com and thebodypro.com. He talks about inequality and...
A photo of Dana Brown, Laura Flanders, Kevin Wren and Luis Gil Abinader with the title "Big Pharma in 2023: How to Break the Monopoly"

America’s Drug Price Nightmare: Public Production Can Save Lives

Prefer to Listen?Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week’s episode on your favorite podcast platform (Available 6/12).Pharmaceutical prices in the US are...

Cash Relief for Black Moms: The Success of Guaranteed Income

Prefer to Listen?Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week's episode on your favorite podcast platform.This Mother’s Day, May 14th coincides with the...

“The Future is Disabled”: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Prefer to Listen?Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week's episode on your favorite podcast platform (Available 1/9/23).“At the core of my work...

North Carolina: Courageous Conversations in a Climate of Fear

Prefer to Listen?Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week's episode on your favorite podcast platform.North Carolina is in the headlines after an...

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