
Donate to support Laura Flanders & Friends!

Laura Flanders & Friends is fiercely independent. We don’t take money from corporations — your donations make it possible for us to keep making and distributing forward-thinking media.

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All donations to Laura Flanders & Friends are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please make checks out to:

Curious Communications

PO Box 1565

Canal St Station

New York, NY 10013

Curious Communications, incorporated in 2015 in New York State, is a not-for-profit company that produces Laura Flanders & Friends. It falls under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

* Gifts of stock and other securities, including mutual funds, Treasury bills and notes, and corporate and municipal bond can easily be made. For further information please contact us at info@lauraflanders.org. Thank you.