Puerto Rico: Freedom From Fantasy

Puerto Rico: Freedom From Fantasy About the Show What does freedom from fantasy mean? When most Americans know about Puerto Rico is based on a colonial fantasy, says journalist and Columbia University professor, Ed Morales. This...

F Word: #SayHerName, Impeachment and the Hawk

I was thinking about impeachment when a bird fell out of the sky.    I was thinking about quid pro quos and the using of the presidency for personal gain when I rounded a corner and...

Laura Flanders Wins WMC Lifetime Achievement Award!

We're thrilled to announce that the Women's Media Center has honored Laura Flanders with the 2019 Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award. WMC chose Laura "for her extraordinary work and contributions in advancing progressive...

F Word: The Global Corruption Rebellion Americans Don’t Know They’re Part Of

  Abuse of power, corruption, violation of the social contract... If you’re an American Democrat, chances are Donald Trump’s disdain for all of those has been evident to you for quite a bit. The spectacle...

Climate Strike/Auto Strike: Same Struggle, Same Fight

  Twenty years after turtles and teamsters teamed up to battle the WTO in Seattle, labor strikes and climate strikes are coinciding everywhere but in the media, and that’s dangerous. If history is any guide,...

Woodstock Urges Roaming

Radical journalist Andrew Kopkind wrote about the Woodstock Peace and Music Fair in August 1969, just days after the event. "When we find out we have to fight for love, all hell will break...

New Justice: A World Beyond Prisons

Prisons, police and punishment through incarceration. Are they with us forever in the land of the free? Sustained campaigns for change are beginning to pay off. At the community level, it turns out that...

We’re Official Partners with ROAR Magazine!

We are thrilled to now be official partners with ROAR Magazine, an activist-run, quarterly print journal of the radical imagination. The magazine offers grassroots perspectives from the front-lines of the global struggle for real...

Come Party with Us!

Our radio/podcast producer and legendary New York City DJ Jeannie Hopper is celebrating 20 years of her summer dance party on a boat— for all ages! Liquid Sound Lounge serves delectable, soul-infused dance music...

Laura at the Left Forum

What is left to be done?   One does not have to watch a film or read a novel to encounter the present dystopian reality of the world. Faced with ongoing economic and political crises, recent spikes in...

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