
Soledad O’Brien on Rosa Parks: The Untold Story

Prefer to Listen? Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week's episode on your favorite podcast platform. Rosa Parks is best known to Americans as a national treasure — the little old lady who...
Imara Jones on a gradient purple background.

Imara Jones: Full, Uncut Conversation

Pledge as little as $3/month for early access to the full, uncut conversation with Imara Jones. For more full, uncut conversations, subscribe to The Laura Flanders Show podcast or support us on Patreon. 2022 will go down in history...

Community Land Trusts: A Model for Reparations?

Our city's economy – what is it for? New York's has been very good at piling up profits and building tall buildings. But all that private profit has come at a cost to public services and public trust. Could it be different?

Ibram X. Kendi: How to Make America Antiracist?

The fight over what can and can’t be taught in schools is shaping up to be one of the most controversial issues in a pivotal mid-term election year. White voters are being mobilized to...

V (formerly Eve Ensler): Reckoning with Our Past, Transforming the Future

Prefer to Listen? Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week's episode on your favorite podcast platform. “Reckoning” is the new best-selling book from V (formerly Eve Ensler), author of “The Vagina Monologues” and founder...

Black Journalists on Police Violence: Reporting from the Ground Up

Photo of Brittany Brown, Gavin Godfrey, and Sara Lomax on purple pixelated background with the text, "Black Journalists on Police Violence: Reporting From the Ground Up"

Saket Soni: How Trafficked Workers Pulled Off “The Great Escape”

Prefer to Listen? Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week's episode on your favorite podcast platform (Available 2/5). “THE GREAT ESCAPE: A True Story of Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America” tells the...

Emergent Strategies for Abolition: Andrea J. Ritchie’s Toolkit for Activists

Prefer to Listen? Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week’s episode on your favorite podcast platform. (Available 10/16). Movement lawyer and organizer Andrea J. Ritchie’s forthcoming book is unlike anything she’s written before. In “Practicing...

Muslim Americans in the Media: From Islamophobia to Power

Prefer to Listen? Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week's episode on your favorite podcast platform (Available 5/1). Dangerous stereotypes around Muslim Americans persist, with very real consequences for Muslim  people and American democracy...

Looking at the Unbearable with Dr. Gabor Maté & V (formerly Eve Ensler)

Dr. Gabor Maté & V (formerly Eve Ensler) have both experienced personal trauma and turned it into fuel for making social change.

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