Portrait of Majora Carter and Laura Flanders.

Your Neighborhood in Your Hands: A Model from the South Bronx

Real estate development conjures up images of gentrification with sleek buildings and polished store fronts often built under the guise of urban revitalization. Far too often, these projects displace long-standing residents and communities of...

Imani Perry: The Future of Democracy Depends on the South

As goes the South, so goes the nation. It may be a cliché but according to this week’s guest it’s true. In South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul...

Arundhati Roy: Freedom, Fascism, Fiction and the Pandemic Portal

Two years ago this month, the first cases of Covid-19 were reported in the United States. “Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew,” wrote acclaimed author...

Kristina Wong & Rebecca Solnit: The Power of Art & Aunties

“Had the government stepped in and done its job, had they not advocated against vaccines and mask mandates, we wouldn't have been frantically gathering our children to cut up bedsheets to make masks for...

How Radical Self Love Can Heal the World

It’s that time of year when we all need resilience: elections, holidays, the change of seasons. Many of us need fortitude to get through. Reverend Dr. Jacqui Lewis would add that we need Fierce...

How Critical Race Theory Changed an Election & What Dems Could Do About It

From the contest for governor of Virginia to school board races across the country, opposition to Critical Race Theory proved an effective tactic for Republican candidates to defeat Democrats in this November’s election. Does...

In Buffalo with India Walton: An Insurgent Candidate Runs for Mayor

Eyes across the nation are on the mayoral election in Buffalo, New York, where insurgent candidate India Walton could become the first Black woman—and democratic socialist—to lead the city. Laura Flanders first interviewed Walton...

AOC & Noam Chomsky: The Way Forward

Prefer to Listen? Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week’s episode on your favorite podcast platform. In this historic, inter-generational meeting of minds, Laura Flanders brings together New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and MIT...

Community Safety in a Time of Insurrection

The last US soldier to leave Afghanistan returned home this August, but private security personnel long outnumbered US troops in that war, and the for-profit business of training guns-for-hire is booming -- literally --...

A Para/Military Industrial Complex is Growing in Americans’ Backyards

Hoffman, North Carolina, population 588, is a majority Black town in a majority-white county, next to which, not long ago, Oak Grove Technologies moved in. Oak Grove is a self described Tactical and Cultural...

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