The State of Human Rights in Brazil – K.K Verdade Verdade of Fundo ELAS, Brazil's largest and only women's foundation, updates us on the fight for human rights post-Bolsonaro's election, gender ideology, and how Marielle Franco's fight still continues.

How To Stop Letting The System Screw Us All: Jaclyn Friedman talk a lot about economics on the show, but we're not just economic beings, we're human ones, with a wide range of wants and desires; including desires for sex. Writer, educator and activist...

The Need For Accessible Technology – Chancey Fleet's missing in the tech industry? We need developers to really know something about accessibility and to challenge the notion that some things are too visual, says Chancey Fleet in this excerpt from our...

International Women’s Day: the View from Kyrgyzstan's John Smith Trust works with up and coming leaders who are building civil society in the former Soviet Union. The Trust recently invited Laura (along with her sister Stephanie, of Bloomberg News) to...

The City as Living Laboratory: Mary Miss this excerpt we visit Mary Miss, a Guggenheim fellow and celebrated artist, whose organization, The City as Living Laboratory, strives to empower people to create not the cliché of the sustainable city, she...

A Love Letter to Long Island City might no longer be putting its headquarters here, but Western Queens and specifically, Long Island City are a new frontier for New York City's politicized land battles. A Long Island City preacher's son...

Affordable Internet, One Rooftop at a Time In this excerpt, we learn how Eastern Tennesee and Detroit are reclaiming their right to accessible, affordable internet, one rooftop at a time.

Excerpt: How Central Bankers Rigged the World: Nomi Prins Nomi Prins' new book "Collusion," she reveals the collaboration between central bankers as they control global markets and dictate economic policy from Wall Street to Main Street.

Excerpt: Artificial Money Feeds the Financial System Nomi Prins explains how central bankers have cornered themselves in a catch 22 with artificial money.

Automating Inequality: Virginia Eubanks professor and author Virginia Eubanks on how our government and corporations are erasing social services through unequal digital practices.

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