Mutual Aid Justice: Beyond Survival

What does mutual aid look like in the Justice sphere? If you don’t want to call the cops, what else can you do? Many people turn to transformative justice for help. In the nation...

Public Ownership of Privatized Medicine

Dana Brown, Director of the Next System Project frames the motives of privatized medicine in a system, which values profit over people. While nations are racing to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, how can...

Public Racism vs Public Health: Covid-19

The tensions revealed by the COVID-19 epidemic are planted deep in the US experience. On the Laura Flanders Show, race and gender scholar Mab Segrest discusses how white supremacy has trumped science throughout American...

We Need to Know Each Other: Covid-19

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below. About Jutta Treviranus, founder and director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, tells us that dealing with...

Designing a Future Where Everyone Counts

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above. About This Episode Jutta Treviranus pushes back against cultures, policies, and technologies designed only for those deemed "normal." As founder...

Forward Thinking on Covid-19: Lebanon

Forward Thinking on Covid-19: Lebanon         SUPPORT US and help us keep creating content like this. Become a member of our Patreon community   How does a revolution mobilize against the threat of Covid-19? In Lebanon, activists are...

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19 F Word           Laura explores the relation of bigotry and the health crisis and compares the modern history of healthcare in the US to the UK.       Transcript:   Our Health...

We Are Not All in the Same Boat

Terry McGovern on COVID-19 "Pregnancy, TB? We haven't tested for any of these conditions yet," says Terry McGovern of Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health. We are not all in the same boat. A veteran...

Kenyon Farrow: Lessons from the AIDS Epidemic for COVID-19 (Full Interview)

Senior editor for and BodyProHIV Kenyon Farrow sits down with Laura Flanders to discuss the racial and economic implications of COVID-19 as well as lessons from the AIDS epidemic. He examines the US...

Tools of mutual aid for COVID-19

Ejeris Dixon is the co-editor of Stories and Strategies from the Transformative Justice Movement. Resources Pod Mapping worksheet and instructions Half Assed Disabled Prepper's Tips for Preparing for a Coronavirus Quarantine More from our Forward Thinking on Covid-19 Series Transcript Hi...

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