Dance as World-Changing Movement: Alice Sheppard and STREB

Two artists who expand our ideas about beauty, risk, mobility, and inclusion. Wheelchair dancer and esteemed choreographer Alice Sheppard, and MacArthur Genius Award-winning action architect Elizabeth Streb. What difference does art make? Should art-making...

adrienne maree brown: Pleasure Activism and Black Women’s Legacy of Joy

Get the full interview by becoming a supporter on our Patreon! We must recognize that “pleasure is a measure of freedom,” that’s the first ambition writer, healer, and teacher adrienne maree brown has for her...

The Opportunity Cost of Trump TV

  I’ve been on the road a bit and catching up on email’s been hard; staying up with social media even tricker because I have been failing, failing to keep up with Trump TV. Now don’t...

Remembering Marielle Franco days before the one year anniversary of activist Marielle Franco's assassination in Brazil, prosecutors there charged two former police officers with her murder. Those arrests may provide a partial answer to the question...

The State of Human Rights in Brazil – K.K Verdade Verdade of Fundo ELAS, Brazil's largest and only women's foundation, updates us on the fight for human rights post-Bolsonaro's election, gender ideology, and how Marielle Franco's fight still continues.

Gender Ideology: A Pretext for Murder in Brazil

Just days before the anniversary of activist Marielle Franco's assassination in Brazil, prosecutors there charged two former police officers with her murder. Those arrests may provide a partial answer to the question of who killed her. Many other questions, including who ordered her killing and why, remain unanswered.

Sex, Pleasure, and Liberation: Desire in A World Transformed

Regulation, degradation, shaming, blaming - enough! Is it time for sexual liberation yet? We talk a lot about sex but not often enough about pleasure, On today's show we try to make up for...

The Need For Accessible Technology – Chancey Fleet's missing in the tech industry? We need developers to really know something about accessibility and to challenge the notion that some things are too visual, says Chancey Fleet in this excerpt from our...

International Women’s Day: the View from Kyrgyzstan's John Smith Trust works with up and coming leaders who are building civil society in the former Soviet Union. The Trust recently invited Laura (along with her sister Stephanie, of Bloomberg News) to...

The Pregnancy to Prison Pipeline: Media Matters

As the President sounds off about holy babies born and unborn, we talk about the ongoing criminalization of women who happen to get pregnant. What has been the media’s role and have they done...

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