
Inauguration 2021: Democracy Demands a Democratic Economy

AboutA new administration is taking office in the midst of an unprecedented public health catastrophe and an economic crisis, and in the immediate wake the heels of one of the most polarizing presidencies in...

A Love Letter to Long Island City

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzpra1HL5YUAmazon might no longer be putting its headquarters here, but Western Queens and specifically, Long Island City are a new frontier for New York City's politicized land battles. A Long Island City preacher's son...

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19 F Word      Laura explores the relation of bigotry and the health crisis and compares the modern history of healthcare in the US to the UK.    Transcript:   Our Health...

Reporting on Economic Hardship

How do we define "love is love," and what are we willing to do to defend one another? This week, we speak with a group of LGBTQIA leaders on just that.

Excerpt: Artificial Money Feeds the Financial System

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1lRlW4US18Author Nomi Prins explains how central bankers have cornered themselves in a catch 22 with artificial money.

Climate Strike/Auto Strike: Same Struggle, Same Fight

 Twenty years after turtles and teamsters teamed up to battle the WTO in Seattle, labor strikes and climate strikes are coinciding everywhere but in the media, and that’s dangerous. If history is any guide,...

Iowa Media Back To The Future – F Word

In the first week of February, every four years, coastal correspondents decamp to Iowa to cover the first-in-the nation nominating contest. Face-to-face, caucus by caucus, what the state lacks in demographics, it makes up...

Special Report: Whose Economy Is It? Ours.

Our city's economy – what is it for? New York's has been very good at piling up profits and building tall buildings. But all that private profit has come at a cost to public services and public trust. Could it be different?

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