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The Anti-Vaxx Epidemic

  How could it be that a disease that was virtually extinct here 20 years ago is not just on the rise, but constitutes such a serious threat to public health that Washington State recently...

Making American Journalism Great Again

    A great divide is shaping up in the newspaper business between those who want to make American Journalism “great again” and those who believe it has never been great but could be. It’ll come...

F-Word: National Suicide Moment?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOivmoW_71MThe social fabrics connecting us are being torn apart. This state of affairs is normal, Laura laments in this week's Fword, but only in a broken society. Bombarded by the influx of breaking news...

F-Word: An Exception to the Rule in Rio

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skKTf-KZCxE The slaying of Marielle Franco, a black, gay Brazilian council member, and activist is a blow to Brazil's most marginalized and vulnerable communities. In this week's F-word, Laura celebrates the life of this exceptional...

F-Word: America’s New “Fossil Fuel Moment”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAo_6KgKLNYLaura's weekly commentary -- a few cheers for the cities who divest, even as the current administration is stacked with fossil-fuel corporate officials. America gets to choose what it wants.

Riane Eisler: Partnerships in the Post Industrial Economy

This week on the Laura Flanders Show, Riane Eisler, author of the groundbreaking book The Chalice and the Blade, and The Real Wealth of Nations, discusses partnership and post-industrial economics. Plus, an F-Word from...

The F-Word: Election Night 2017 – Dems Divided Along Progressive Fault Lines

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIF5HBuZ49YPlus, an F-word from Laura on how election night wins on the part of Democrats shouldn't conceal their internal fissures or the work being done by progressives.

F-Word: Anti Racist Rebellions Deserve Their Own Monuments

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tDq4ropeikA commentary from Laura on monuments - where are the monuments to the motley crew?

F-Word: The Revolution Will Be Fed – The Diggers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8l-YqA6u7cThis week, a commentary from Laura on the Diggers and feeding while rebelling. Watch the full episode on our channel!

F-Word: Hunger Strike Against Inhumane Detention of Immigrants

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6xXPrNNl30You've gotta wonder, protests, congress, hunger strike, deaths? What's it gonna take before Americans notice what's happening?

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