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Visual Description: A scale with there people standing on one end and three red blocks on the other with a telephone hanging from them. Divest / Invest is written below.

Divest / Invest

Divest / Invest The US today spends more than $80 billion a year incarcerating 2.3 million people in state and federal prisons, local jails, youth facilities and deportation centers. That’s $80 billion that comes out...
Text: If the President had HIV, he could be in prison. Visual Description: A stenciled image of Donald Trump's face on a grey wall, covered by red and grey vertical stripes. that resemble jail bars.

If Trump Had HIV, He Could Be in Prison

Could Donald Trump be charged with a crime for knowingly exposing others to an infectious disease? He could if that disease was hepatitis. If the Donald was a poor man, poorly defended and in poor...
Visual Description: The Lincoln Memorial with the text Mourn Justice Ginsburg, Fight to Close Irwin Detention Center

Mourn Justice Ginsburg, Keep Fighting

“Ruth Bader Ginsburg changed the way the law sees gender... She changed the course of American law... She touched the lives of generations of men and women... She pushed for a full and inclusive...
Visual Description: Several professionally dressed middle-aged white people walk down the floor of a brightly lit factory. Text is overlaid in white that reads Resisting authoritarianism one co-op at a time. The Laura Flanders Show logo appears in the top left corner in white.

Resisting Authoritarianism One Co-op at a Time

Spain's history reminds us that elections aren't guarantees. They're expressions of popular will, and what follows them is just as important.

Take on the Tech Mob Now or Perish

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above. A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to...

We Treasure What We Measure

We Treasure What We Measure – F Word     To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above.     A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this...

The Great American Lie – F Word

The Great American Lie – F Word     To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above.     The Great American Lie     The Financial Times recently reviewed a slew of business books...

Juneteenth: What Lies Ahead? – F Word

Juneteenth: What Lies Ahead—Tulsa 1921 or Something We Haven't Built Yet?     To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above.       Every Juneteenth has me thinking about life and the...

Paradigms Take Years to Shift – F Word

Paradigms Take Years to Shift – F Word   To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above.       A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this...

A Memorial Day for Lies – F Word

A Memorial Day for Lies   To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above.       A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and...

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