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Just in time for election season, Laura invites her sister Stephanie back to the program. Stephanie is the head of Economics and Government at Bloomberg News and head of Bloomberg Economics. 64 countries (plus the European Union) — nearly half of the world’s population — are facing an election this year. Some are calling 2024 “The Ultimate Election Year”, but what should we look out for? Stephanie Flanders says now is the time journalists and voters are called upon to think about the long-term issues facing their country and the world, and consider what each candidate might propose. With Donald Trump, a lot is guesswork, but Bloomberg’s been running the numbers on inflation and debt — both of which are predicted to go up under the former president. Meanwhile, what exactly is Bidenomics? “Voternomics”, the newly-rebooted “Stephanomics” podcast has just launched. It will be looking at the intersection of geopolitics and the economy. In this insightful one-on-one discussion taped at the CUNY TV studios in New York City, Stephanie and Laura Flanders talk economics, elections, and a little bit about tug-of-war. All that, plus a commentary from Laura. Laura Flanders & Friends becomes Laura Flanders & Family this time.

“. . . This is an opportunity to be thinking about not just what a politician is saying, but what are the long-term issues facing this country, any country? Are those policy recommendations fit for purpose? . . . Elections are opportunities for voters and journalists to raise their eyes to the horizon a little bit.” – Stephanie Flanders

“ the goal is to make domestically produced goods look more attractive and cheaper . . . We saw with the tariffs under the previous Trump administration — many of which have been continued under President Biden, we should remember — that the overall effect was to lose cost jobs and to add to inflation.” – Stephanie Flanders


  • Stephanie Flanders: Head of Economics and Government at Bloomberg

Portions of this interview are featured in our episode, “Stephanie Flanders on A Trump Economy & What to Watch in The Ultimate Election Year“.

Recommended books:

 Bookshop: “Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist” by Kate Raworth,  Get the Book 

(*Bookshop is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores. The LF Show is an affiliate of and will receive a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.)

Related Laura Flanders Show Episodes:

•  Laura & Stephanie Flanders Unpack Inflation, Silicon Valley Bank Crash and Democracy  Watch / Listen-Podcast 

•  Marjorie Kelly on the Capitalism Crisis: “Wealth Supremacy” is Killing Us  Watch / Listen-Podcast 

•  Trust-Busting 2024 with Stacy Mitchell & Matt Stoller: A Bipartisan Battle Against Monopoly Power  Watch / Listen-Podcast  

Related Articles and Resources:

•  Why the US Election Isn’t About Foreign Policy, by Sommer Saadi, April 26, 2024, Bloomberg, Voternomics Podcast, Search wherever you get your podcasts

•  Summers:  Another Trump Term would bring ‘inflationary spiral, big defiticts,’ by Nick Robertson, April 17, 2024, The Hill, Read Here 

•  Trump’s inflation bomb:  How his second-term plans could make it worse, Read Here

•  What the Upper-Middle Class Doesn’t Get About Inflation, by Michael Powell, April 14, 2024, The Atlantic, Read Here

•  A Resilient Global Economy Masks Growing Debt and Inequality, by Shawn Donnan, Enda Curran, Tom Orlik, and Eric Martin, April 15, 2024, Bloomberg News, Read Here

Featured ‘Music in the Middle’ of the Podcast:

“Wall of Indifference” by Raul Midon from his new album Lost & Found  Listen & Learn More Here

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