Reporter in Spain: On the Spanish Left

On Left: Claud Cockburn in Spain with Fred Branfman, commander of British battalion of International Brigade, in a photo by Gerda Toro. (Photo courtesy Laura Flanders)     Eighty years ago this April, Spain fell under a...

Community Land Trusts: A Model for Reparations?

Our city's economy – what is it for? New York's has been very good at piling up profits and building tall buildings. But all that private profit has come at a cost to public services and public trust. Could it be different?

Mary Robinson: Women Leading on Climate Change

Our city's economy – what is it for? New York's has been very good at piling up profits and building tall buildings. But all that private profit has come at a cost to public services and public trust. Could it be different?

Aging Isn’t A Problem, Ageism Is

Someone turns 65 every 8 seconds in this country, and as our elderly population grows, so does the need to build an economy around our future selves. In this episode, three leaders in the age justice movement share their ideas about how we can age with dignity, power, and change our society to reflect just that.

Ada Colau: Barcelona’s Fearless Mayor

And at the level of principle, Colau has not finished making change yet. Having polled her base this weekend, Colau’s putting the question to the people. Barcelonans will vote on what deal she should make. Let the people decide. Putting that principle into practice has got to be a win, no matter what.  

Feminists Writing History: Cherríe Moraga and adrienne maree brown

How do we define "love is love," and what are we willing to do to defend one another? This week, we speak with a group of LGBTQIA leaders on just that.

A Hub for Radical Thinking: Bluestockings Bookstore & Activist Center

How do we define "love is love," and what are we willing to do to defend one another? This week, we speak with a group of LGBTQIA leaders on just that.

Listening to Our Better Angels

How do we define "love is love," and what are we willing to do to defend one another? This week, we speak with a group of LGBTQIA leaders on just that.

Design for Justice: Disabled Hackers are Leading the Way

How do we define "love is love," and what are we willing to do to defend one another? This week, we speak with a group of LGBTQIA leaders on just that.

New Justice: A World Beyond Prisons

Prisons, police and punishment through incarceration. Are they with us forever in the land of the free? Sustained campaigns for change are beginning to pay off. At the community level, it turns out that...

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