Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19

Bigotry and the Health Crisis: Covid-19 F Word           Laura explores the relation of bigotry and the health crisis and compares the modern history of healthcare in the US to the UK.       Transcript:   Our Health...

Public Ownership of Privatized Medicine

Dana Brown, Director of the Next System Project frames the motives of privatized medicine in a system, which values profit over people. While nations are racing to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, how can...

Thank You, Bernie. Screw you, NYT

Thank You, Bernie. Screw You, New York Times. (F Word)         It is the essence of American liberalism to trash radical dreams and then dance on them. And that’s just what the New York Times did...

We Can Take Back The App!

To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player below. A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to...

Patent Protection or a People’s Vaccine?

A special thanks to our Patreon community for supporting us through this difficult time and making it possible to keep this content free for everyone. The global race is on to create vaccines and treatments...

The Great American Lie – F Word

The Great American Lie – F Word     To download, please subscribe. To download a single episode, click share in the podcast player above.     The Great American Lie     The Financial Times recently reviewed a slew of business books...
Visual Description: Several professionally dressed middle-aged white people walk down the floor of a brightly lit factory. Text is overlaid in white that reads Resisting authoritarianism one co-op at a time. The Laura Flanders Show logo appears in the top left corner in white.

Resisting Authoritarianism One Co-op at a Time

Spain's history reminds us that elections aren't guarantees. They're expressions of popular will, and what follows them is just as important.

Cooperation vs Authoritarianism in Spain

Two of the regions that were the most brutally repressed under the mid-century dictatorship of Francisco Franco built the world’s largest worker-owned cooperatives
Visual Description: On the left half of the image is a photo of Laura Flanders, a white woman in hr 50s; on the left side is a black and white photo of Dax-Devlon Ross, a Black man in his late 30s. Underneath it says Racial Justice is Also Economic Justice, Forward Thinking.

Racial Justice is Also Economic Justice

About Newark, NJ has been held up as a real world example of what defunding the police could actually look like. The Newark Community Street Team, which we featured on this week's episode of The...

Reporting on Economic Hardship

Nearly 40 million Americans live in poverty, making less than $26,200 a year for a family of four. Their stories and their struggles, however, are rarely represented in the mainstream media. If we want...

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