F Word: #SayHerName, Impeachment and the Hawk

I was thinking about impeachment when a bird fell out of the sky.    I was thinking about quid pro quos and the using of the presidency for personal gain when I rounded a corner and...

Can It Happen Here?

Can it happen here? Absolutely it can. Even in a liberal bastion. A few weeks ago, a handful of white supremacists marched into a bookstore in Washington D.C., temporarily disrupting a talk by Jonathan...
Visual Description: The Lincoln Memorial with the text Mourn Justice Ginsburg, Fight to Close Irwin Detention Center

Mourn Justice Ginsburg, Keep Fighting

“Ruth Bader Ginsburg changed the way the law sees gender... She changed the course of American law... She touched the lives of generations of men and women... She pushed for a full and inclusive...

F Word – February/March: The Pandering Months

  February/March: The Pandering Months   Here we are again, ending Black History Month, starting Women’s History month. This time, the season coincides with the Democratic primaries. The Democratic Party has no more loyal group of voters...

Thank You, Bernie. Screw you, NYT

Thank You, Bernie. Screw You, New York Times. (F Word)         It is the essence of American liberalism to trash radical dreams and then dance on them. And that’s just what the New York Times did...

Democracy Vs Dictatorship: Don’t Let Bloomberg Muddy That Choice – F Word

Democracy vs Dictatorship: Don't Let Bloomberg Muddy That Choice   The 2020 presidential race didn’t get decided this week, but the choice before us did: more democracy or less of it. That’s the decision we are...
Time to take the mittens off cover

Time to Take the Mittens Off!

Time to Take the Mittens Off! I like as good meme as much as the next person who likes memes, but I have my qualms about the Bernie mitten moment.For those who have been paying...

Kenyon Farrow on The Racial and Economic Implications of the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Kenyon Farrow on the Racial and Economic Implications of the Coronavirus Pandemic   Guest commentary by way of Kenyon Farrow, writer, journalist, strategist, senior editor of TheBody.com and TheBodyPro.com, breaks down the racial and economic disparities...
In Indian Country, It's not the weather, it's the racism that's keeping thousands in the dark cover

In Indian Country, it’s not the Weather, it’s the Racism That’s Leaving Thousands in...

  Around 30,000 homes in Texas still have no power, and millions of Texans remain under a boil-water mandate days after a deadly winter storm wiped out that state’s weak water and energy systems.  In Texas,...

Climate Strike/Auto Strike: Same Struggle, Same Fight

  Twenty years after turtles and teamsters teamed up to battle the WTO in Seattle, labor strikes and climate strikes are coinciding everywhere but in the media, and that’s dangerous. If history is any guide,...

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