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Stephanie Flanders on A Trump Economy & What to Watch in The Ultimate Election...

Prefer to Listen?Subscribe to our podcast to listen to this week’s episode on your favorite podcast platform (Available 5/13).Just in time for election season,...

Inauguration 2021: Democracy Demands a Democratic Economy

AboutA new administration is taking office in the midst of an unprecedented public health catastrophe and an economic crisis, and in the immediate wake...

The Pandemic Economy

The economic collapse unfolding before our eyes is much bigger than it appears and the solution isn’t simply to “build back better.” COVID-19 didn’t...

Whose Economy is it?

AboutWhat is a city’s economy for? New York City’s economy has been very good at piling up private wealth and building tall buildings but...

Building A Democratic Economy

AboutHow does an economy emerge from recession? Historically, cities hard hit by deindustrialization have strived to attract big employers from elsewhere by offering incentives...

How to Make a Democratic Economy

AboutThe strength of the U.S. economy is often at the center of debate during an election season. But whether the economy is good or...

How to Make a Democratic Economy

The U.S. economy, weak or strong, is the question at the heart of the election. But it doesn't get to the reality which is...

Special Report: Whose Economy Is It? Ours.

Our city's economy – what is it for? New York's has been very good at piling up profits and building tall buildings. But all that private profit has come at a cost to public services and public trust. Could it be different?

The Next Economy: Worker-Led, for Public Interest

10 years since the financial crash we've learned that there exists in the US not just one economy, but many, as well as many...

​SPECIAL REPORT: Building the Democratic Economy, from Preston to Cleveland​

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnXsteyfiUgTwo forms of government have dominated in the west over the last hundred years. In one big power is vested in the state, the...
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