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Full, Uncut Conversation: Frances Goldin, “Rabble Rousers” & the NYC Housing Struggle that Won

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Low income Americans face an acute housing shortage. But our guests have a victory to share. “Rabble Rousers: Frances Goldin and the Fight for Cooper Square” is a newly-released documentary telling the story of how a diverse group of New Yorkers, led by housing organizer Frances Goldin, fought a 50-year struggle against abandonment, white flight, violence, drugs and “Power Broker” Robert Moses to save a 12-block section of lower Manhattan from being destroyed. They created the first urban Community Land Trust (CLT), and thousands of homes and businesses were saved from speculation. The CLT established permanent low-income housing for Cooper Square residents. The film, which is out now from New Day Films, was directed and produced by our guests Kelly Anderson and Ryan Joseph, with Kathryn Barnier. Anderson and Joseph, along with historian Johanna Fernández join Laura to discuss the significance of Goldin, rabble rousing and the Cooper Square story for today. Plus, a commentary from Laura on “lost causes” that aren’t. 


Portions of this interview are featured in our episode, “Frances Goldin, “Rabble Rousers” & the NYC Housing Struggle that Won.”

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