US healthcare is still in crisis. Over thirty million Americans remain uninsured, and even more are sickened by sky-high insurance costs. This January Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon announced that they were banding together to form a new healthcare… entity. It’d be premature to call it a plan. The men from Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan say that whatever-it-is will be “free from profit-making incentives and constraints.” but remember, we’re talking about three experts when it comes to making profits. While the Congress seems hopelessly sunk in a partisan fight over the Affordable Care Act, and Bernie Sanders Medicare for All bill is nowhere near becoming law- even though it’s more popular than ever, might Big Business offer a way out? Joining me are – Ben Palmquist of the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative and Dr. Steffie Woolhandler from Physicians for a National Health Program, to unpack all this and more. Then activists from Brazil, Haiti, and right here in the U.S. on what healthy communities need to thrive. More corporate control is, let’s say, not on their list.


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